Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How to increase Google AdSense revenue...

There are plenty of ways to legitimately make more money with AdSense. If you familiarise yourself with Google’s TOS before implementing anything you read here or anywhere else on the Internet you will be well covered.

If you intend to click your own ads or have someone else or a robot do it for you then time is against you – Google will eventually close your account and you will have lost perhaps the easiest and most powerful way to quickly monetise any site that attracts legitimate visitors.

Getting the most out of your AdSense ads has become something of a science in itself and there is a wealth of material available (paid and free). I will share with you one technique I have used to increase my ad revenue from AdSense in the region of 400% with the same amount of visitors.

Click here to learn how to make money with AdSense.

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